A three-year, part-time, post-graduate course in psychotherapy, psychopathology & psychosomatics
This course is based on the principle that the human being today has great potential based on the power of our eternal spirit. Our spiritual self can withstand the most difficult life circumstances but that all manner of problems can prevent its healthy unfolding.
It provides an integrative, holistic training that addresses psychological and complex psychosomatic problems from an anthroposophic perspective.
This training is for practising and qualified psychological therapists and so applicants will already have embarked on the journey of unfolding both their own and their clients’ potential.
‘I have been fascinated to learn more about psychosomatic disorders, the relationship between them and one’s spirit. This insight will enable me to treat the whole person.’
‘A very serious commitment; it takes time and effort, but your life will be changed’
‘This course has come at a most potent time in my life and has had a profound impact not only on the way I work with clients, but also life in general’
‘This course was very relevant and timely for my needs and future aspirations’
‘Such a varied, talented, deeply professional research-based ways and attitude in teaching styles’
‘The course supports individual styles and provides places for growth – both in an individual and in a group context
The course is structured as a three-year course with an optional fourth year. The certificates will be awarded to graduates who have one of the following UK registrations or accreditations: registration with the UKCP as a psychotherapist, the HCPC as a clinical psychologist or counselling psychologist, the BMC as a doctor or accredited with the BACP as a counsellor/psychotherapist. The award is made by the Medical Section of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum and will reflect the national registration or accreditation of the course participant.
Course participants who complete four years will be able to apply for UKCP (United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy) psychotherapy registration since the course meets the training requirements of UKCP registration. The course will include written work at university postgraduate level for approval by a university organisational member of the UKCP. This will involve an optional extra add-on fourth year course over a period of twelve months. As well as meeting the training requirements the course will also assist students to prepare a portfolio of evidence to meet the UKCP humanistic and integrative section criteria involving a compilation of client hours, supervision, and personal therapy.
The three-year certificate will state that the course participant has trained on a post graduate course in anthroposophic based psychotherapy, psychopathology and psychosomatics based on the anthroposophic understanding of the human being and is knowledgeable in anthroposophic psychotherapy.
The four-year certificate will state that the course participant has trained on a post graduate course in anthroposophic based psychotherapy, psychopathology and psychosomatics based on the anthroposophic understanding of the human being and is qualified in anthroposophic psychotherapy.
Graduates will also become members of the UK psychotherapy association (Mercury, the association of counsellors and psychotherapists working out of Anthroposophy). Mercury is a member of the International Federation of Anthroposophic Psychotherapy Associations (IFAPA) and so graduates will also be able to join the international community of anthroposophic psychotherapists and attend all IFAPA events.
- 7-11 February 2024 (if you are joining the course after this date it will be possible to cover this module content at a later date)
- 29 May – 2 June 2024
- 25-29 September 2024