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❤️  holistic & integrative & salutogenic approach to health

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Patients and friends of anthroposophical medicine ASSOCIATION

PAFAM is an association for the Patients and Friends of Anthroposophic Medicine which was started in 2003 to enable the support and promotion of this form of Medicine, associated Therapies and Healthcare.

PAFAM’s main aim is to promote and enable the furtherance of Anthroposophic Medicine within the UK and to support the individual’s right to choose their own medical treatment whilst becoming more aware of their personal responsibility towards their individual healthcare process.

PAFAM is run by a committee elected annually and is also a member of EFPAM, the European Federation of Patients Associations for Anthroposophic Medicine, of which amongst others, France, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Germany are also members.



Contact PAFAM

ANTHROPOSOPHIC MEDICINE UK is an online platform for Anthroposophic Health and Social Care Professionals in the UK. It is a project of the Anthroposophic Medical Association and is supported by the Anthroposophic Medical Association, the Association of Anthroposophic Therapeutic Arts, the Rhythmical Massage Therapy Associationthe UK Association for Anthroposophic Counselling & PsychotherapyEurythmy Therapy Association & Professional Association of Biographical Counsellors.

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