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❤️  holistic & integrative & salutogenic approach to health

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If you are working or training in a health or social care discipline in the UK, and your role is inspired by Anthroposophic Health and Social Care approaches, then we would encourage you to join us. 

We offer Anthroposophic Medical Association MembershipProfessional Association Membership and Anthroposophic Professionals Membership . For more information on membership benefits and how to join, please read the options for joining us below.

To join Memberships: AMA | Professional Association (AATA, ETA Mercury-UKAACP & RMTA) | Anthroposophic Professionals | Other Professionals and Public

Join Anthroposophic Medical Association


Doctors, Dentists, Nurses, Midwives,  Pharmacists,

Paramedical Professionals

The Anthroposophic Medical Association (AMA) represents medical  professionals in the UK practising and training in Anthroposophic Medicine.

In addition to all Professional Membership benefits, AMA members:

  • receive discounted rates at conferences and events organised by the AMA

  • have access to a members-only discussion forum to share questions and ideas and discuss clinical questions with colleagues

  • gain access to useful resources for practising in the UK

  • have access to a members directory where you can discover and contact colleagues in the UK

  • can publish their details on a public directory (AMA Full Members only)

We also offer Associate Membership to  nurses, midwives, pharmacists and paramedical professionals who are working with or interested in anthroposophic approaches and encourage all such professionals to join us to build better mutual support and improve collaboration and communication. 

    Read more about the AMA  

    Join as an AMA Member

    Join Professional Association Membership     

    Practitioners and Students of Anthroposophic Therapeutic Arts, Eurythmy Therapy, Mercury-UKAACP, Professional Association of Biographical Counsellors and Rhythmical Massage Therapy

    As part of your membership with Association of Anthroposophic Therapeutic Arts (AATA), Eurythmy Therapy Association (ETA), UK Association for Anthroposophic. Counselling and Psychotherapy  (Mercury-UKAACP), Professional Association of Biographical Counsellors (PABC) and Rhythmical Massage Therapy Association (RMTA), if you wish, you can be member of this website too. The fee is covered by the contribution from the above associations.

    In addition to Anthroposophic Professionals Membership benefits, members of the above associations may gain access to the its discussion forum and full members can list themselves in the public directory. More information on membership with AATA, ETAMercury-UKAACP, PABC and RMTA.

    Join as an Association Member  

    Join Anthroposophic 

    Professionals Membership                            

    Anthroposophic Health, Social Care

    and Education Professionals

    Anthroposophic Professional Membership is available to all health and social care professionals (including students). Those who are eligible for associations in the professional association group in the next column, may also join but are encouraged to consider applying for  membership.

    Professional Membership is free and includes all of the benefits listed above.

    • receive emails about educational events, news, jobs and publications

    • have access to professionals discussion forums and members-only resources

    • have access to members directory according to individual member's consent

    • listing in Jobs Vacancies and Opportunities is free

    • be able to join special interest groups to network with professionals who share similar interests and receive newsletters focused on your interests

    • further membership benefits depend on your professional field and membership type

    • We will endeavour to tailor the emails which we send to your profession and your interests, based on your profile information.

    Professional Membership does not entitle you to be listed in the public directory. This is only available if you are part of an association who joins the website as a group. New associations are welcomed and encouraged to join the website.

    Join as a Professional Member

    Other Professionals

    and the Public                                 

    Join PAFAM and/or

    Subscribe to our Mailing List

    If you are not working within anthroposophic health and social care you can still support Anthroposophic Medicine and hear about interesting educational events by joining PAFAM (Patients and Friends of Anthroposophic Medicine). 

    About PAFAM

    To receive updates without becoming a member of this website, you can subscribe to our public mailing list:

    • published bi-monthly the beginning in the month of FEB/APR/JUN/AUG/OCT/DEC,
    • with recent news and a list of events, workshops and short courses that open to the public,
    • see example
    • subscription or unsubscribed via MailChimp 
    • further information can be found in the Mailchimp | Policies and Anthroposophic Medicine UK | About.
    • If you were on the RSS feeds  previously, please join the above list.


    ANTHROPOSOPHIC MEDICINE UK is an online platform for Anthroposophic Health and Social Care Professionals in the UK. It is a project of the Anthroposophic Medical Association and is supported by the Anthroposophic Medical Association, the Association of Anthroposophic Therapeutic Arts, the Rhythmical Massage Therapy Associationthe UK Association for Anthroposophic Counselling & PsychotherapyEurythmy Therapy Association & Professional Association of Biographical Counsellors.

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