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Intercultural Eurythmy Festival

  • Friday, July 05, 2024
  • Saturday, July 06, 2024
  • Rudolf Steiner House NW1 6XT

Eurythmy is an expressive movement art developed by Rudolf and Marie Steiner in the early 20th century. The word eurythmy stems from Greek roots meaning beautiful or harmonious rhythm. A eurythmist moves the spoken word and music itself, the inner dynamic, the emotional expressiveness.

Though originated in Central Europe, Eurythmy has now encircled the globe, being cultivated and transformed through the different cultures it has met. At our intercultural festival, alongside established UK groups Peredur Eurythmy and Eurythmy West Midlands Stage Group, we welcome Eurythmy India to the UK for the first time.

The Intercultural Eurythmy Festival at Rudolf Steiner House is the first of its kind in London: it aims to foster connection and collaboration amongst performers from different cultural and artistic backgrounds, and to develop new audiences for the arts of eurythmy and eurythmy theatre.

The Festival offers four performances and a rich palette of diverse workshops by members of Eurythmy West Midlands Stage Group, Peredur Eurythmy and Eurythmy India.

Performances Friday 5th July

19.00 The Way Leads On – Peredur Eurythmy

20.15 Shakespeare’s Fool - Eurythmy West Midlands Stage Group

Performances Saturday 6th July

11.00 The Magic Ball – a fairy tale for children - Peredur Eurythmy

14.00 Sublime Afternoon Mood - Sitar and Tabla concert - Adwait Gadgil and Arjun Premod.

19.30 Love, and Be Silent - Scenes from Shakespeare’s King Lear - Eurythmy India

Workshops (1 hour) Saturday 6th July

12.00 Eurythmy for children, Creating fairy tale characters through movement and music (7–10-year-olds) - Georgie Howlett, Peredur Eurythmy

12.00 Beginner’s Eurythmy, The Singing Tree of Life - Maren Stott, Eurythmy West Midlands

15.30 Indian Classical Dance and Eurythmy - Deepa Mahesh, Preeti Birla Nair and Sejal Mehta - Eurythmy India

15.30 Chanting, Eurythmy and Yoga - Augustine Thilak and Meeta Grover - Eurythmy India

15.30 Drama, Eurythmy and the Spoken Word - Daniel Skinner, assisted by members of the Love, and be Silent Cast – Eurythmy India

17.00 Sitar, Tabla and Eurythmy -Stephan Nussbaum, Diana Constantin and Sathyasree Subramanian, with Adwait Gadgil and Arjun Premod (Musicians) – Eurythmy India

17.00 Eurythmy movement and Mandarin - Gwee Pei Yen, Pei-ling Chao and Hsu Ming- Yu – Eurythmy India and Eurythmy West Midlands


Please get in touch with the contact person or organisation listed in each event if more info or help is needed, thank you. 

Anthroposophic Medicine UK may assist in enrolling individuals to some events but does not organise nor is responsible for events.

If you would like to receive information on public events bi-monthly, please sign up to our public mailing list, thank you. 

ANTHROPOSOPHIC MEDICINE UK is an online platform for Anthroposophic Health and Social Care Professionals in the UK. It is a project of the Anthroposophic Medical Association and is supported by the Anthroposophic Medical Association, the Association of Anthroposophic Therapeutic Arts, the Rhythmical Massage Therapy Associationthe UK Association for Anthroposophic Counselling & PsychotherapyEurythmy Therapy Association & Professional Association of Biographical Counsellors.

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